What is “Missions”?

Baker Heights Baptist Church sets aside a portion of the yearly budget in order to fund missions. Here is what Alec Kocman, Director of communications for ABWE (Association of Baptists for World Evangelism) calls Missions:

“Missions is the task proclaiming the gospel to every people group that has not yet heard it, in order to establish churches—churches that will carry on mission by reaching their culture, teaching others, and sending missionaries out.” 

We believe the task of proclaiming the gospel is worthy of every aspect of our lives. We should not only give our energy, effort, and prayers to it, but also our finances. Missions really can be boiled down to proclaiming the gospel of Christ to the entire world. Baker Heights does this here in our own city in addition to global missions support.

Click here if you would like a printable document with detailed information on our missions efforts here at BHBC.

A brief summary of missions here at BHBC:

  • As a church, BHBC participates in the Cooperative Program—the unified plan through which Southern Baptist churches give a percentage of their undesignated receipts in support of global and local missions ministries.

  • We support a local pastor in Zambia named Julius Phiri through Gospel Link, and have done so since 2006.

  • We support a missionary family currently serving in an environment hostile to the gospel and as such we cannot disclose their information online. This family of five serves an unreached people group in a multicultural urban area in South Asia. Their current ministry involves language learning, evangelism, training national partners, and the beginning stages of a new church plant. Support them directly here ABWE.

  • We support another missionary family serving in an environment hostile to the gospel and they are located in the nation of India.

  • We support The Martinsburg Union Rescue Mission financially and regularly send teams to assist with food distribution…etc. It is a residential rehabilitation shelter in our own city of Martinsburg.

  • AbbaCare Pregnancy Resource Center has locations in Winchester VA and most recently: our own Martinsburg WV